Te Matatini competitions

I’ve spent the past couple of days watching Te Matatini competitions on TV and have been blown away by them. Such stunning performances from the the groups. Our whole family has thoroughly enjoyed them; even my elderly sister told me this morning how much she loved them.

Like many Pakeha I hadn’t watched them before and regret not doing so.

Next year you should all watch them; you won’t regret it.

I’m really enjoying watching the national kapa haka Te Matatini championships on TV. I don’t have much time left on this Earth and this is a genuine pleasure.

New Zealand public radio makes me feel at home

For the past couple of months (maybe more as my health has deteriorated a bit) I’ve spent quite a bit of time lying on the bed with the dog, listening to the radio. My favourite station is RNZ National, which has changed a lot since I worked there in the 1980s!

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Community Garden celebration

A couple of weeks ago our local Community Garden and Food Forest group held a celebration for establishing the garden. We had a good turn out: people bought seeds, cuttings and bunches of flowers.

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Jury duty

So, guess who got a summons for jury duty in the post yesterday? It’s only for March, but given my myeloma might have finished me off by then, it was a bit optimistic. OTOH, the Ministry of Justice are unlikely to know that.

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I just had my first ride in a Tesla this morning, and what would you know; it was a taxi!

I was looking at the news last nights at the terrible disaster and destruction in the Californian fires. They are so big I reckon they could wipe out some home insurance companies. Then everyone looses: claimants, investors, premium holders, etc. It could be a major financial disaster.


We’re watching the new David Attenborough TV series on mammals. First episode is on mammals in the dark; most hunting, or being hunted. Apparently, a large majority of mammals hunt at night, making use of excellent night vision or hearing.

It is coming onto dusk and our Jack Russell terrier is proving the point by exploring the garden, looking for something to eat. She’s much more active at night than during the day.

We just had a family outing to see the new Paddington movie. There were no children in the group and we all enjoyed it.

Dame Tariana Turia has died

I’m very sorry to hear that Dame Tariana Turia died this morning, after suffering a stroke earlier this week.

She was a principled politician who resigned from the Labour Party and set up Te Pāti Māori in 2004 because she opposed the foreshore and seabed legislation the Labour Government introduced.

Between 2008 and 2014, with the Māori Party in a support arrangement with the John Key-led National government, her ministerial portfolios included Whanau Ora, Disability Issues and the Community and Voluntary Sector.

The Whanau Ora policy, which devolved social policy delivery to communities and whanau and aimed to support families rather than individuals, was seen as her proudest legacy.

She was widely admired, including by some very conservative people in my family. Both my older brother and my wife’s uncle, who were and are pretty racist, thought highly of her.

Obituary on Stuff site

After hearing many stories about Keith Jarrett’s experience when playing the ‘The Kӧln Concert’ I had to have a listen. I have several of his records, but not this one. It is as good as I have been led to believe.

The rain has suddenly arrived

With a bang and a crash, the forecast rain, thunder and hail has arrived. The daughter had to rush out to bring in the laundry, and the dog is hiding under the bed. Dog hates loud noises – Guy Fawkes is the worst day of the year, weather comes a close second.

TBH, I quite like lying on the bed listening to rain on the roof. I find it relaxing.

Wife’s birthday celebration

Today we had a very smooth road trip to celebrate Kate’s 62nd birthday. It was a day around so much could have gone wrong to ruin it. Although there were problems, it went very smoothly.

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Watch out for bees in the kitchen

I’ve just been stung by a bee. That’s nothing unusual for an ex-gardener, although I got pretty good at noticing them before they got too close to me.

But this one was on the dishcloth in a container on the kitchen bench. What on earth was it doing there?

It reminds me of when I put on a workshirt on a Wednesday, to be stung by a wasp caught up in the shirt. I realised then that it had been there since I’d done my laundry on Sunday. It was not a happy Hymenoptera!

We’ve just been to Te Whaea School of Dance graduation performance. We’ve been going with friends for more than ten years and it never disappoints. A good mixture of classical and contemporary styles.

Auto-generated description: A large group of people is seated in an auditorium, with some individuals in the front row smiling for the camera.
Caption: A large group of people is seated in an auditorium, with some individuals in the front row smiling for the camera. Three of them flatted together at University in Auckland about 40 years ago.

Our community newsletter: Kōrero

If you want to check out what we are up to in our little neck of the woods, have a look at our two-monthly newsletter, Kōrero.

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Domestic update

We got our little bits of carpet and rugs professionally cleaned today. A nice young Samoan guy came and has done a great job.

We had a good long chat about him coming here to live so he can support his family back home. These remittance payments are common in the Pacific as there aren’t many high paying jobs in Samoa.

I couldn’t be at the hikoi in person but I am there in spirit. Even got the T-shirt.

A person wearing a face mask is seated and receiving an IV infusion in a medical setting.
A person (me) is sitting in the Kenepuru Medical Day Ward getting a blood transfusion. He is wearing a medical mask and a black T-shirt with the words ‘Toitū te Tiriti’ on the front.

Hīkoi getting underway

It looks like a huge crowd of people heading into Wellington to join the hīkoi. Lots of people from Pukerua Bay who were also involved in Sunday’s action.

Our children who are in London are at the New Zealand High Commission.

Unfortunately, I can’t go because I need to get a blood transfusion at Kenepuru Hospital.

The little boy next door is very excited that Kate is taking his sign in the hīkoi.

If David Seymour actually has a secret plot to help create a movement that supports the Treaty of Waitangi as the foundation of our nation and acknowledges the particular rights of Māori under the treaty, and is using his Treaty Principles Bill as a smokescreen for it, he’s doing a darned fine job. It must be so clever that no one has noticed what he’s up to. Sarcasm