
    I think she’s trying to convince us she comfortable there. I’m not buying it. 🐕

    A man is lying on a couch with a small dog resting against him.
    Caption: A man is lying on a couch with a small dog resting against him.

    🐕Somebody’s comfortable.

    A brown and white dog is resting on a person's leg in a cozy room with wooden furniture and framed pictures.

    Company on a wet day

    🐕You’re never alone when you’ve got a dog ready to snuggle in.

    Photo of man and small dog.
    Winnie likes to get in close especially when there is a woollen rug to lie on.

    No scavengers in the house

    We do love our dog, but sometimes it is nice to not have her hanging around scavenging when you are eating lunch.

    She’s currently next door keeping our sick daughter company. She’s very good at that.

    🐕The dog has now returned from a walk with Kate and has assumed another of her favourite positions; tucked in behind my knees.

    🐕The dog emerged from her bed, barking at an unknown sound, only to quickly make herself comfortable in another of her favourite spots; my legs!

    Winnie in the garden

    🐕Our dog on her early morning toilet visit to the garden. She loves to explore the space around the house. She is called ‘Winnie’ after my wife’s grandmother and is a Jack Russel Terrier, with all the energy and naughtiness that brings! She is currently trying to get the last of the porridge from my wife’s breakfast bowl.

    🐕Making short work of the human’s porridge pot

    Small brown and white dog licking a pot on the floor.