Watch out for bees in the kitchen
I’ve just been stung by a bee. That’s nothing unusual for an ex-gardener, although I got pretty good at noticing them before they got too close to me.
But this one was on the dishcloth in a container on the kitchen bench. What on earth was it doing there?
It reminds me of when I put on a workshirt on a Wednesday, to be stung by a wasp caught up in the shirt. I realised then that it had been there since I’d done my laundry on Sunday. It was not a happy Hymenoptera!
Fatigue has got the better of me today. I’ve been completely wiped out and have achieved very little. I’ve spent most of the day horizontal.
Fatigue is a strange thing. It strikes when you don’t expect it, for no apparent reason. Then other times, when you think you’ll be tired, you have a unexpected energy. All you can do is go with the flow.
Hopefully, I will perk up tomorrow and get through at least some of my tasks.
I’m also disappointed we didn’t get to see my sister when she came down for the WoW show. Sadly, not enough time to fit it in. Still, she had a good time, which is the important thing.
Access to Botanical Gardens lost to many visitors
Kāinga Ora giveth and taketh away
How do these two announcements line up?
Kāinga Ora set to cut about 300 jobs
$48 million later, Kāinga Ora confirms it may stop Arlington development
On the same day. Surely some of the 330 people destined for the chop could be reassigned to the social housing development in Arlington?
Cards for Humanity fight back against Musk's SpaceX
Good grief, this issue with the land that Cards for Humanity bought in Texas to save and Elon Musk’s SpaceX is now illegally building on it is scandalous. I’m glad they’re fighting back.
Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk’s SpaceX for trespassing on Texas border land
White English rock band hints at reformation; critics in a lather
What you need to know
Am I the only person who is irritated by the statement “What you need to know” in online stories?
Where has this phrase come from? Has it been audience tested, or have people just copied other publications?
I find it patronising and I don’t know how a copy writer in a website can know what I already know about something and what I might want to know about it.
My normal reaction is “I’ll decide what I want or need to know about something, not you.” Harrumph.