
    Who's responsible for solving the USA's toxic political culture and racism?

    I’ve thought long and hard about posting this, and it will probably get me into trouble or come across as a ‘stop picking on us’ winge. Despite my reservations, here goes!

    This is a question I often ask myself when I find myself in the uber-liberal technology corners of the internet and social media. I spend my time on the Fediverse, so I don’t get this from Facebook and Twitter/X (only because I rarely go there), but I assume it’s similar there.

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    Kids on OE in the UK doing well

    Our son and daughter-in-law are now back in England after their month-long bus tour through the Continent and are settling into their new flat. The DIL has even got a job on CNN’s 5 Things podcast.

    She’s been very lucky to land on her feet so quickly. We always thought she would as she’s very talented and hard-working, and has been strategic in her work here in NZ, to work in a variety of roles and programmes to get a range of experience in public radio and news.

    If anyone knows of a job for a talented videographer and news camera operator in the London region, our son would love to hear from them! Angus Dreaver’s show reel

    White English rock band hints at reformation; critics in a lather

    🎵Or are they? The band, I mean, not the critics; they’re wetting themselves with excitement about the possibility.

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    What you need to know

    Am I the only person who is irritated by the statement “What you need to know” in online stories?

    Where has this phrase come from? Has it been audience tested, or have people just copied other publications?

    I find it patronising and I don’t know how a copy writer in a website can know what I already know about something and what I might want to know about it.

    My normal reaction is “I’ll decide what I want or need to know about something, not you.” Harrumph.