We’re watching the new David Attenborough TV series on mammals. First episode is on mammals in the dark; most hunting, or being hunted. Apparently, a large majority of mammals hunt at night, making use of excellent night vision or hearing.
It is coming onto dusk and our Jack Russell terrier is proving the point by exploring the garden, looking for something to eat. She’s much more active at night than during the day.
The rain has suddenly arrived
With a bang and a crash, the forecast rain, thunder and hail has arrived. The daughter had to rush out to bring in the laundry, and the dog is hiding under the bed. Dog hates loud noises – Guy Fawkes is the worst day of the year, weather comes a close second.
TBH, I quite like lying on the bed listening to rain on the roof. I find it relaxing.
Watch out for bees in the kitchen
I’ve just been stung by a bee. That’s nothing unusual for an ex-gardener, although I got pretty good at noticing them before they got too close to me.
But this one was on the dishcloth in a container on the kitchen bench. What on earth was it doing there?
It reminds me of when I put on a workshirt on a Wednesday, to be stung by a wasp caught up in the shirt. I realised then that it had been there since I’d done my laundry on Sunday. It was not a happy Hymenoptera!