Dame Tariana Turia has died
I’m very sorry to hear that Dame Tariana Turia died this morning, after suffering a stroke earlier this week.
She was a principled politician who resigned from the Labour Party and set up Te Pāti Māori in 2004 because she opposed the foreshore and seabed legislation the Labour Government introduced.
Between 2008 and 2014, with the Māori Party in a support arrangement with the John Key-led National government, her ministerial portfolios included Whanau Ora, Disability Issues and the Community and Voluntary Sector.
The Whanau Ora policy, which devolved social policy delivery to communities and whanau and aimed to support families rather than individuals, was seen as her proudest legacy.
She was widely admired, including by some very conservative people in my family. Both my older brother and my wife’s uncle, who were and are pretty racist, thought highly of her.
Pukerua Bay supports Hīkoi Mō Te Tiriti
Thousands turn out to support Hīkoi mō te Tiriti (March for the Treaty of Waitangi)
Government bars journalist from abuse apology at Parliament
This is a disgraceful attempt by the Government to prevent an experienced journalist, Aaron Smale, who has led much of the reporting on the Abuse in State Care scandal, from attending a press conference on Tuesday when the Government will issue a formal apology in Parliament to the survivors. The excuse given was that his questioning of the Prime Minister at a previous press conference about this was too “persistent and forceful…with suggestions it was rude and police at the event had been watching the reporter.”
The Government needs to answer firm questioning on this. If the PM feels uncomfortable, and I acknowledge this all happened years before he came on the political scene and it will be uncomfortable for him, that’s too bad. He represents the state and needs to account for its actions.
Endorsing parties in a general election
Australia's rooftop solar success
Amid Australia’s chaotic climate politics, the rooftop solar boom is an unlikely triumph.
It’s difficult to overstate how rapidly Australians have embraced solar power – there’s now more rooftop solar than coal-fired power. The key question is what policymakers can learn from its success.
I didn’t know this, and it looks like it might be a good example of how the right incentives at a household level can create the right outcomes. It reminds me of the home insulation subsidies paid in the 1970s. Lots of houses had insulation installed then.
Amid Australia’s chaotic climate politics, the rooftop solar boom is an unlikely triumph
Cards for Humanity fight back against Musk's SpaceX
Good grief, this issue with the land that Cards for Humanity bought in Texas to save and Elon Musk’s SpaceX is now illegally building on it is scandalous. I’m glad they’re fighting back.
Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk’s SpaceX for trespassing on Texas border land
The Civilian reports that the government directs Te Puni Kokiri to conduct Māori Language Week in English.
Satire: Keeping in line with the government’s policy to favour English in official communications, Māori Language Week will be in English this year.
Government directs Te Puni Kokiri to conduct Māori Language Week in English
Carers NZ needs your help! Please sign this survey!
Locking more people in prison doesn’t make society safer
Who's responsible for solving the USA's toxic political culture and racism?
I’ve thought long and hard about posting this, and it will probably get me into trouble or come across as a ‘stop picking on us’ winge. Despite my reservations, here goes!
This is a question I often ask myself when I find myself in the uber-liberal technology corners of the internet and social media. I spend my time on the Fediverse, so I don’t get this from Facebook and Twitter/X (only because I rarely go there), but I assume it’s similar there.
Māori queen Nga Wai Hono i te po Paki crowned in ‘new dawn’ for New Zealand
This will be interesting. Her father had taken a more prominent role in politics since the election of a conservative government last year.
She is part of a new generation of young Māori who are fully bicultural and are a genuine powerhouse in our society. This can only be for the good if New Zealand is going to be a modem, open and accepting society, as many of us wish for.
Māori queen Nga Wai Hono i te po Paki crowned in ‘new dawn’ for New Zealand
Busy weekend - soccer club breakup and community 'placemaking' under threat in Porirua
Regarding the news from Auckland today about the City Council considering when stores can sell alcohol.
I reckon anyone who wants to buy alcohol at 11pm has probably been on the sauce for a while and doesn’t need any more!
Open letter to the oil industry
Greenpeace has launched an open letter to the oil industry telling them they are not welcome in New Zealand. It’s pretty blunt and leaves them in no doubt that people will not make it easy for them to get what they and the government want.
You are not welcome here.
We pledge to do everything we can to resist the oil and gas industry if the New Zealand government overturns the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration.
You can sign it online here: Open letter to the oil industry
Tory Whanau puts the PM straight
Wellington mayor Tory Whanau has got stuck into the PM for his misguided speech to the Local Government Association this week. As well as justifyingly defending the good things WCC has done (and they aren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination), she made the important point that it was a missed opportunity for how central and local government could work together.
Her column is in the Sunday Star Times. If it is behind their paywall, I apologise.
Tory Whanau: Time for the PM to stop taking cheap shots at councils
PM shows he doesn't understand local government
Joe Biden stepping down from presidential race
As an outside and largely indifferent observer of US politics, I believe that Biden’s decision not to stand in the election is wise. Given his apparent infirmity, age, and rumours about the amount of support he needs from his staff, it seems doubtful he could manage another full 4-year term.
Endorsing Kamala Harris seems like a good decision. She seems popular with demographics Joe doesn’t seem to be. However, it might be challenging for her to maintain Joe’s support with other groups. Hopefully, she can.
But what a radical change it would be to elect a Black woman of Indian descent!