Social media
Live and let Dai
CW: discussion of cancer, medical procedures
We watched the first episode of Live and let Dai on TV last night.
Phone apps for Friendica
I swore I wouldn’t do this, but I have; I bought a fediverse app I didn’t need and doesn’t seem to be better than any I already had. I saw a recommendation of sorts to use Mona Pro for Friendica, but it doesn’t appear to be able to save my Friendica account in its settings. So, I have a $25 app that seems to be only good for Mastodon, for which I already have 2 apps I can use without any problems. Sigh.
I just use the web app version of Friendica on my phone and it seems to work as good as any other.
RSS feeds vs daily emails
I’ve gone back to the tried and true Akregator for aggregating RSS feeds of blogs and news sites I want to follow without having to look at them all every day for new content.
I had honestly forgotten how easy to use and time-efficient a good RSS reader is. In many cases, it can be a good way of getting rid of the daily email updates that clog up the inbox. However, looking for RSS feeds on many sites shows that most newer sites don’t have one. Your only options are signing up for a newsletter or checking the sites regularly to look for new content.
All politics about royalty and class aside, this looks like a genuine moment of human warmth. The world needs more of them.
Black Ferns wing and King Charles: ‘I felt like he needed the hug more than me’

Private social media groups ideal for specialist interests
CW: Cancer talk.
I’m not a big fan of Facebook – in fact, you couldn’t even call me a small fan – but I am part of the private group of New Zealand myeloma patients on FB, and it’s the ideal home for us.