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    @news Thanks. I've only just discovered the auto-generated captions for images, which I think is a great bit of functionality, and this will save me converting PNGs and WebP formats.

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    @pkboi They certainly were generous.

  • Replying to: @Miraz

    @Miraz Yes, indeed! 👍

  • @jonathanharker That was one I was going to look at. I think you mentioned it before. We don’t have a battery or plug in electric car (just a standard hybrid), but I’m sure we can get a better deal than Contact’s 8c/kW.

  • @crossingthethreshold Thanks for that explanation David. You’re a long way ahead of me in the blogging and publishing area. I’ve spent some time trying to find the perfect social media site. I long started ignoring Facebook and Twitter when I discovered Mastodon-based sites. But they were a bit limited. Then I went to Firefish, but the guy running that abandoned it, so I ended up at a Friendica site. It’s good, but tends to be pretty serious, which I do like, but the little personal posts that show a person’s full life didn’t seem to fit so comfortably there.

    Then I discovered, which does make room for anything. And I haven’t lost the other sites I still have a use for. When I post on, the post can get cross-copied to my Friendica account, which is then drawn to my remaining Mastodon account on the Vivaldi instance I keep as a back up for announcements if either of the other ones go down.

    It sounds a bit convoluted, but it seems to work. Long story short, is now my main one. And I really like it.

  • Replying to: @alexink

    @alexink That makes her behaviour even worse!

  • Replying to:

    @alexink I think you made the right choice about not confronting her. No point getting hurt unnecessarily. I would have expected the driver to say something, at least, although I know violence seems to be a daily problem for them around the world, and they are probably under instructions not to take a risk like that.

    Unfortunately, the other woman, like most bullies, will be encouraged by getting away with that sort of behaviour. I hope you’re feeling better today.​

  • Replying to: @Miraz

    @Miraz It sure is!

  • Replying to:

    @markstoneman I suspect my better half will want to listen to it, even though it's in the middle of her working day and we live on the other side of the world. On the other hand, that could mean we can avoid the endless analysis by reporters because we heard the original. Or is that wishful thinking?

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    @Miraz The area around the Square has always been an unexpected pleasure, even when I was a student there in the 1970s. A nice green space in a part of town dominated by shops and cars.

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    @MacPsych It looks great. I’m very much in the ‘a phone should last at least 5 years’ camp. You can save heaps to spend on something more essential!

  • Replying to:

    @billbennettnz That's a disgrace. Some people have no respect for tradition.

  • Replying to: @Miraz

    @Miraz Yes, we got that heavy rain as well. It was pretty wild for a while!

  • Replying to:

    @pkboi Also, I don’t think I’m going to Team Medical (corporate owned GP practice) after hours in future without a very good reason. They are our family GP’s after hours service, and they are trained in emergency medicine, but it was mighty expensive. I would be just as happy going to our local community hospital, even if I had to wait four hours or more. That’s not an unusual waiting time if they’re busy. I’d always have a book to occupy me. 📚

  • @philipbrewer Good for you. Definitely worth it if you are in the least bit vulnerable to chest infections.

  • Replying to:

    @pkboi She is now home unscathed and is heading for the shower and bed. Fortunately, she still has one day of sick leave left arranged with work, so she doesn't have to go in or let them know she needs sick leave.

  • Replying to:

    @pkboi People driving around the harbour or Plimmerton roundabout should be aware of the tides.

    The latest low tide at Plimmerton was at 8:39am. Tide is now rising. Next high tide is 2:19pm.

  • Replying to:

    @pkboi Ignoring all advice to the contrary, we are having to go out this morning for one of my regular twice-weekly blood tests!

  • Replying to:

    @pkboi Porirua City Council makes good use of its Facebook page with updates and warnings.

  • Replying to:

    @pkboi The Herald has a running blog of warning and updates.

  • Replying to:

    @pkboi The southbound train between Paekakariki and Pukerua Bay has been struck by rocks and has returned to Paekakariki. State Highway 59 — Centennial Highway — might be marginal. Drivers should use Transmission Gully instead.

  • Replying to: @billbennettnz

    @billbennettnz I don't think there is a big user base across all the instances, but I imported all my former Mastodon and Firefish contacts into it so it's a comprehensive and usable combination of Mastodon for people and Facebook for functionality (sort of). Longer posts (5,000 characters) and I can now cross-post from, which I am growing to love. The Mastodon profile I use now is via Vivaldi and I use it as a backup. Seems to work.

  • Replying to:

    @amit It’s here

    As you can see, it’s not updated very often, but Mastodon is not the main service I use , so it’s adequate for my needs

  • @crossingthethreshold Batten down the hatches! Good luck.

  • Replying to:

    @billbennettnz I've also noticed that going from to Friendica. Normally, it takes a few seconds, but once or twice it took so long I though the cross posting connection had failed.