Our daughter had to spend last night in ED.

She has what could be either a stomach ulcer caused by being prescribed too many anti-inflammatories (since stopped) or the spread of her endometriosis. She was vomiting last night and rang for an ambulance. Surprisingly, they took her to ED – I didn’t think they would, but presumably, they had access to her information that showed this was a recurring problem that doctors needed to look at again.

We could give her an Ondonsetron tablet to stop the vomiting. The ambulance officers told us we could do that (theoretically without any intervention or advice from them), or they would give her an injection. She took the tablet, and headed off with them at about 10pm, complete with a go-bag of phone, charger, book, Kindle, and a change of undies and socks.

We’re all getting better at this; in our house and next door with the daughter and her flatmate. Some chronic or unidentified illnesses and small children certainly increase the family’s use of the public health system! Not really a good thing, but we are very grateful we can.