@crossingthethreshold Thanks for that explanation David. You’re a long way ahead of me in the blogging and publishing area. I’ve spent some time trying to find the perfect social media site. I long started ignoring Facebook and Twitter when I discovered Mastodon-based sites. But they were a bit limited. Then I went to Firefish, but the guy running that abandoned it, so I ended up at a Friendica site. It’s good, but tends to be pretty serious, which I do like, but the little personal posts that show a person’s full life didn’t seem to fit so comfortably there.

Then I discovered micro.blog, which does make room for anything. And I haven’t lost the other sites I still have a use for. When I post on micro.blog, the post can get cross-copied to my Friendica account, which is then drawn to my remaining Mastodon account on the Vivaldi instance I keep as a back up for announcements if either of the other ones go down.

It sounds a bit convoluted, but it seems to work. Long story short, micro.blog is now my main one. And I really like it.