It was such a beautiful day, that my wife, mother-in-law and I decided to go to the Wellington Botanical Gardens. It was the first time I had been there in at least a couple of years. Hardly any wind, full sun, and no crowds. A great day!

Bank of azaleas
Bank of azaleas.
Magnolia tree in flower
Magnolia tree in flower
Iceland poppies in a garden
Iceland poppies make a colourful mixture.
Small white daisies - Mauranthemum - planted in a mass
Mauranthemum daisies make a good solid block of colour.
Small purple flowers - Primroses
Primroses bring a dash of bold purple to the gardens.
Iain and Constance (mother-in-law) by the rose garden
Me and the ma-in-law next to the rose garden by the Begonia House at the entrance to the gardens.
Grey-haired man and woman sitting on park bench showing their almost matching walking sticks
Me and the ma-in-law with our almost matching walking sticks. Kate and the dog don’t get a very brisk walk when they go out with us.