Join internationally-renowned teacher and Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Rabten for a life-changing talk on happiness.

Gen Rabten is well-loved for his sincerity, humour and inspirational teachings that easily touch our hearts.

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At this public talk, Gen Kelsang Rabten will explain how to free ourselves from our negative attitudes by looking for happiness and joy where it can be found: within our own mind. Everybody is welcome to join this special event.

Not to be missed!

Auto-generated description: A smiling person in traditional attire is sitting in front of a microphone, with a large portrait and the text This Week! Happiness: Find the Joy Within in the foreground.
Caption: A smiling person in traditional attire - Gen Kelsang Rabten - is sitting in front of a microphone, with a large portrait of Gesche Kelsang Gyatso in behind him, and the text This Week! Happiness: Find the Joy Within in the foreground

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